Account Management
Online Account Management
Legacy Parking utilizes a multi-platform approach for its monthly parking management, leveraging several billing portals that provide a variety of payment options for customers. Each portal operates independently, requiring unique login credentials for access, which ensures the security and privacy of users' information. The utilization of multiple platforms enables Legacy Parking to cater to a broader customer base, providing flexible payment options and improving overall customer experience.
Online Reservations & Monthly Parking
Please utilize this log in portal to manage your monthly account if:
- You receive your monthly parking invoice via service@parkchirp.com
- Your Account ID begins with AC (AC-XXXX) which can be found on your invoice
- You’ve created an account to purchase online parking via legacyparking.com
Monthly Parking (Integrapark)
Please utilize this log in portal to manage your monthly account if:
- You receive your monthly parking invoice via service@integrapark.com
- Your invoice number is six (6) digits in length